Sydnee’s 6th Month and a Selfie


So thankful that my little girl is growing healthy and well. She’s 6 months now and she grows vivacious! It’s easy to make her laugh and smile. Even strangers or nurses at the hospital where we had her immunization were pleased at her friendly manners.

On her 6th month birthday, I let her wore her new dress which liked very much. I bought it along with her baptismal white dress. I thought she’d feel discomfort since the material is not as soft as cotton cloth but I was wrong. The little princess seemed to make a curtsy and I took it as a ‘thank you, mom!’  🙂


Her Aunt Theresa was so  delighted when Sydnee mimic her for a selfie pose! This little girl really knows how to lift our spirits after a very tiring day. And we all love this photo! 🙂

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