Work – My Daily Grind

When I applied for a teaching job, I thought I would be assigned to teach graders and I never expected the task to teach Kindergarten. I thought I could not handle the little children as I don’t have the knack to fool around with kids and I have very limited patience with toddlers’ tantrums. But my other personality surprised me… I lasted 3 years teaching in KG level!

Open mouth

After those three years, I wanted a new experience in the field of teaching and requested for a transfer to teach graders, Grade 1 and 2. Gladly, I was given the chance. It was a different kind of experience as the Graders are a bit older than the KGs. They can understand better, naughtier but tolerable and easy to manage. Despite their misbehaving,  they remain sweet as children!

Happy Love Heart

I spent 2 years in Grade 1 and Grade 2. Of course there were ups and downs during those days but I only treasure the best moments I had with them.

Happy Love Heart
I wanted more and always curious what’s ahead so I asked for another transfer to high school department. Luck was always at my side probably and I was granted again.   Heart in the sky Senior high, aged 16-18, seemed an intimidating level for me intellectually and physically but I was always ready. Most male students are taller than me; the ladies are prettier however cattish and I even thought they’re all smarter…duhhh! 😀 But once I was in, all doubts and fears were gone and replaced with profound confidence.

Teaching teenagers is the most challenging job I ever had. Imagine the behavior and attitude of high school students in a class. I thought I’d probably go mad but I survived and I’m on my third year now brawling wits and wills with adamant adolescents! After all, I was once like them; I can see a clear reflection! 😀

Cloud Nine

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